A Breathtaking Conspiracy

David Jurasek
4 min readJan 28, 2021

How conscious breathing can change our world especially in times of turmoil and pandemic — a conversation with Scott Simons

Photo thanks to Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Scott Simons is a man I admire on many levels. His brain is astute, sharp, and open. His capacity to inspire real world change while embodying a humbling social conscience is evident through his work with youth in Montreal and his influence in the corporate world.

13 years have passed since we last spoke or worked together!

To reunite, we held an in-depth conversation (audio, video) diving into that it means to be fully alive and engaged at this time.

Scott Simons on the left and author, David Jurasek on the right.

Being on zoom, in times of pandemic, we began with the challenges of being in front of screens! — not only how it affects our health, but also in what we can do to take back our power of presence and wellbeing in any and every moment.

Scott reminded us that…

“…the latin root of the word CONSPIRACY

is conspirare “to agree, unite, plot,”

and literally “to breathe together”.



David Jurasek

Imperfect man wrestling with the paradox of being powerful and loving. Find me and our dojo at: www.powerfulandloving.com