How To Grow Through Anxiety — Not Just Survive It Or Cope With It

David Jurasek
15 min readMar 26, 2020
Thanks for image from Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

There is much written about the best ways to respond to the Coronavirus right away. Here is a solid info and here are some resources I trust.

Now, if you are already doing everything you can to limit the risks, prepare for the future and increase the health and safety of yourself (as well as your loved ones and society) externally, there is one elephant left in the room…

What can I do about my ANXIETY?

As more and more of us are isolated and locked down in our homes, anxiety (the anticipation of a dreadful future) and it’s bedfellows worry (ongoing hum of anxious thoughts) and fear (a valid response to the present threat) are forces begging to be reckoned with ~ as soon as possible.

Not to scare you further, but…

The cost of continuing to wrestle with anxiety ~ without a pathway to transform it ~ is very high.

Ongoing anxiety is directly related to the weakening of our immune system, our overall health and the ability to respond effectively to threats.

Thus the adage:

Anxiety is useful advisor

but a terrible master.



David Jurasek

Imperfect man wrestling with the paradox of being powerful and loving. Find me and our dojo at: