Why I am Leaving Medium and Joining Substack…
First of all. Thank you to all of you who have followed and enjoyed my work here.
I’ve really enjoyed meeting some great writers here on Medium.
And it was a good ecosystem to write in ~ a few years ago.
But the algorithms have changed.
Clickbaity titles and rambling polarizing pieces seem to get the eye balls and reap the rewards here.
I’m not interested in competing with that nor seeking a large and passive fanbase.
I stopped writing here a while back, seeking a quieter space to write from my bones, birthing a novel I am most proud of.
And turning back to the real world…
A garden I tend with my wife in the city and my life’s work of building a village for men who wish to ripen into their fullness, able to show up to lead in the world with power and love.
After a couple of years of this deep nourishment, I return to the public square, wanting to share deeply nuanced, complex, paradoxical and very helpful content.
And more so, I want to engage my readers (and fellow writers) to dialogue and co-inspire one another.
Seeing what is happening with friends I admire and respect, I chose to start anew chapter at Substack.